Young people stepping up and flexing muscles! Historic Buildings Saved! The eyes of the world on Chambers Bay! So many things to talk about with Author, Business Owner, and MetroParks Commission Erik Hanberg about what has happened this year in Tacoma.
2015 US Open held at Chambers Bay
Proposition 3 and Proposition A pass by 6 votes! Street repairs are coming to Tacoma!
Minimum Wage increasing to $12 per hour. There’s some debate about whether this is a win or a loss as a $15 per hour wage was also on the table.
The Rise of the New Progressives
The Eyes of the Totem was discovered, Kickstarted, preserved by the Tacoma Historical Society, and shown to the public!
McMenamins is moving into the historic Elk’s Lodge AND Tacoma’s Old City Hall. *Prophetically, Erik and I were involved in a Grand Cinema 72 Hour Film Festival Competition in 2010 where we sort of predicted this! Watch here.
DENSITY. Tacoma makes efforts to have more Abundant Housing! Proctor Station, Point Ruston, and efforts to increase density in all of our neighborhoods gained traction to prevent the crisis facing the city of Seattle.
The Link Light Rail Extension is funded!
Tacoma Public School’s Graduation Rate increased to 82.6! That’s a 27 percent increase since 2010 and is now higher than the state average. At the same time, the achievement gap between white students and students of color narrowed.
Losses… aka Opportunities for Growth
Amanda Knox talks shit about Tacoma and Tacomans lose their shit. Tacoman’s need to stop getting so wound up when people tease us.
Oil trains and Coal Trains are still traveling on our rail lines. There are safety and liability risks for the city.
Reduced media spiral. Buyouts of News Tribune reporters, KPLU NPR being sold to a Seattle Station.