Behind the Scenes with Monkeyshines

January 30, 2019

This episode we sit down with Ms. Monkey and the Great Ape (wait, let us check that.). Yes, that is who we talk to. They are two of the anonymous monkeyshine artists behind a Tacoma tradition—so anonymous, in fact, that they asked us to modify their voices for this interview.

Ms. Monkey started Monkeyshines in 2003 and the Great Ape joined the cause three years later. Now, every year around Chinese New Year, this band of artists distribute glass orbs, medallions, and more for Tacomans to find. This year, they plan to have 2,000 objects hidden around town.

In the second half of the episode, John Murphy shares how he was inspired by last year’s hunt to become a “rogue” Monkeyshine artist this year. He has created sixty resin and ink pieces of art that he will be hiding.


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