Ep. 73: “How Democracies Die” — a #NerdFarmReads Audio Bookclub Conversation

September 2, 2019

Cast of Characters

Andrew Hammond: co-host Flounders B Team, Sports Writer at Tacoma News Tribune 

Trayton Otto: Tweeter, Sounders Supporter, Thoughtful Dude

Sarah Hampson: UW Professor, Fan of the First Amendment, 2x Pod Veteran


The Rundown

2:00 Impressions 

7:00 The disappointment and necessity of working across party lines

12:00 Favorite passages

18:00 Asymmemterical political polarization and Republican Agenda

31:00 The Role of the Nation Media in politics

34:00 The Obstruction of Justice by obstructing justice 


Democracies die when the media fails to inform people and instead entertains them.


37:00 Mutual tolerance & Institutional Forebarance — This is Trayton’s baby

42:00 What role has the US had in disrupting democracy elsewhere? 

48:00 Polling on Presidency — Professor Hampson brought stats

55:00 Quickbites: How do democracies die? 


The Wind Down

  1. One thing to watch
  2. One thing to listen to
  3. One thing to read


Going Further

Vice: Obama to QAnon Voters


The Socials

@TraytonO Trayton Otto, Twitter

@ahammTNT Andrew Hammond, Twitter 

@uwtacoma UW Tacoma, Twitter 


The Nerd Farmer Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Play and is brought to you by Alaska Airlines #iflyalaska 

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