We wouldn’t be happy if we didn’t have a mediocre team to support. Since the Sounders are in great shape, still first in the West, it’s time to crap on US Soccer. The B-Team covers…
In the first half of this week’s podcast, Laurie and Nate discuss the McCleary School Funding Compromise and what led to it. Laurie clarifies information surrounding the Capital Budget, drilling rights, and investing in education. After the…
Rep. Laurie Jinkins: First of Her Name, LGBTQ Activist, Doer of Awesome Things, Mother of Dragons In the first half of this week’s podcast, Laurie and Nate discuss the McCleary School Funding Compromise and what…
Kevin Grossman is running for Tacoma City Council, Position 4, representing the East Side. We talk to him about rescuing cool, old, buildings and his experiences previously serving on the City Council in Shoreline. Kevin…
Sonarfeed Shenanigans! @Sonarfeed @MiVidaSeattle @wygle @bedirthan @podfish & @muffintopmodel cut it up on La Copita, TAFC (Or Timbers Army Forfeits the Cup), the state of the game, Game of Thrones knowledge, and the ever-popular Sonarfeed…
We didn’t get together for a show, but as it turns out we have a load of content for you. Steve has a quick 9 minute intro and hot-takes on the match. That’s followed by…
Our essential question is: What is white privilege and why do we need to talk about it? Defining privilege as unearned advantage or right based on group status, Annie and Hope breakdown examples of white…
Chris Beale is running for Tacoma City Council, Position 5, representing the South End. We talk to him about his city planning knowledge, his door-belling adventures, and his extensive experience living, working, and volunteering in…
7-0-2 doesn’t lie. First Place in the West is also a pretty decent truth. We love truth here at Flounders B-Team, and this roster is The Truth. (Joevin Jones news notwithstanding.) The crew minus Cat…
Back to School Special — Earlier this summer Nate traveled to Aspen, Colorado to speak at the Aspen Ideas Festival. This episode features Nate’s panel with Leticia Ingram, the 2016 Colorado State Teacher of the Year. The panel focused…